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Report overview

By way of guidance for reporting agents, we have put together an information folder and the table below to provide a quick overview of the data on cross-border capital transactions reporting agents need to submit to the OeNB. For details on the individual reports, see the respective chapters.

On our website, we also provide a query function that enables potential reporting entities to identify their reporting obligations in a fast and efficient manner. This function may be particularly useful for entities that are filing reports to the OeNB for the first time. Please note that this query function is a courtesy service provided for your convenience that may not adequately reflect all business cases in relevant detail. For your actual reporting obligations, please consult the legal framework and the respective regulations.

Report code


Reporting agents

Reporting threshold
(data to be reported from)

Reporting date

Reporting interval

Currency and unit

Nil report

Reporting paths (as recommended):

Other reporting ways

Reporting details as laid down in the reporting regulation



Cross-border investors and affiliates – transactions

Natural residents, legal residents and other resident entities with or without a separate legal identity

EUR 500,000 or less if transactions cause direct investments reported earlier to drop below the 10% threshold or lead to a complete disinvestment

15th day of the following month

Ad hoc report at monthly intervals

Euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)


Use the “MeldeWeb” platform to enter your data 

File upload via MeldeWeb

Encrypted data transfer

Section AWBET


Cross-border investors and affiliates – stocks

Natural residents, legal residents and other resident entities with or without a separate legal identity

  • Foreign inward investors who have contributed at least 10% of principal
    AND/OR one or more

  • Direct foreign affiliates with a share of principal of EUR 100,000 or more or total assets of EUR 10,000,000 or more.

Based on individual decisions

Annually upon request (decisions)

Euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)


Use the “MeldeWeb” platform to enter your data

File upload via MeldeWeb

Encrypted data transfer

Section AWBES


Cross-border credit and debit balances

Natural residents, legal residents and other resident entities with or without a separate legal identity

Credit or debit balances of EUR 10,000,000 Data on other investment must be reported separately from trade credit data. Once one side reaches or exceeds the reporting threshold, the other side must be reported as well10th banking day of the following month (for MFIs)


15th day of the following month


Original currency; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)

No nil reports allowed

File upload via MeldeWeb

Encrypted data transfer

Section AWFUV


Cross-border capital transfers and real estate transactions

Natural residents, legal residents and other resident entities with or without a separate legal identity

EUR 100,000

15th day of the following month

Ad hoc report at monthly intervals

Euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)


Use the “MeldeWeb” platform to enter your data

File upload via MeldeWeb

Encrypted data transfer

Section AWVLM


Cross-border financial derivatives

All residents conducting cross-border financial derivatives transactions with nonresidents

EUR 1,000,000

15th day of the following month


Euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)


Encrypted data transfer

File upload via MeldeWeb

Section AWFDE


Assets held in domestic custody accounts

The data must be provided by MFIs and residents holding securities in custody or managing securities for third parties (custody business).


10th banking day of the following month (for MFIs)

15th day of the following month 


Nominal currency and euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)

No nil reports allowed

Encrypted data transfer

Section AWWPI


Assets held in custody accounts abroad, own-use assets and crypto assets

Residents owning securities that are not held in domestic custody accounts

EUR 5,000,000

15th day of the following month


Nominal currency and euro; amounts rounded to one decimal place (default) or two decimal places (optional)


Encrypted data transfer

File upload via MeldeWeb

Section AWWPA

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